FollowingLike Review (New)

 FollowingLike Review

    I've been using FollowingLike for half a year, and I'd like to share some of my opinions.

    FollowingLike is a powerful program that contains Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, and Quora. For each Platform, there are basic features like Search, Create Posts, Like Posts, Follow, Message, Comment, Share, Reply Comments, Join Groups, etc.  The most amazing part is that you can connect several features, then it can run one by one just like a real user. 

   Take Facebook features for example. You can search group members first, then search their posts, like their posts,  comment, add them as friends and send messages to them. Hence you need to combine these 6 features in one task. All you need to do is add these basic templates in one task, or you can add a new task and insert modules according to your requirements. Also, it's safer to add users in this way. 


   There are some other useful features like Search Posts Likers, Page Likers, Invite Friends to Groups, Follow User&Page, Accept Friend Requests, Delete Posts, Auto Watch Live, Reply Comments, etc. You can search for post likers and add them or send messages/pictures. You can also invite users to join your groups and increase your group members. You can use Watch Live to increase Live Views, as well. 

  Even if FollowingLike is so practical, I still have some suggestions for the FollowingLike Team.

1. Upload more tutorial videos on YouTube

FollowingLike is making great progress recently for there is an overall manual and various templates in the program. This is a good way to guide new users in learning how to get familiar with the program, and they can use preset tasks right after they installed it, which is quite friendly to all customers; however, there aren't enough tutorial videos for all the features. If you upload detailed videos showing us how to set the tasks and modules, I believe people will learn to use FollowingLike faster.

2. Complete templates of all features from all platforms.

There are many templates on Facebook and Instagram, but it's better to create templates for every feature. In contrast, there are even fewer templates on Linkedin, Reddit, Tumblr, and Quora. If you create templates for every feature, I'm sure FollowingLike will be easier to use and become popular among new clients.

3. Add a "Move Accounts" feature.

For those who manage lots of accounts, it is impossible to move accounts from one category to another now. I think it is so inconvenient and I hope you can add a "Move Accounts" feature in FollowingLike in the future.

The advice above is all that I can think of for now.  Hope you can take a look!


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