Tips to get more followers on Instagram

 Tips to get more followers on Instagram

1. Choose appropriate hashtags

One of the most essential tips is choosing appropriate hashtags when sharing a new post. Keep two things in mind. The hashtag must fit the content of your post, this assures users they can easily find your post when they are searching for related topics or terminologies. Another one is to make sure you attach popular hashtags to your post, you can choose multiple of them.

This is the list of the top 30 hashtags on Instagram:































2. Keep the content and tone of your Instagram posts consistent

 Make sure to have a consistently themed feed throughout and posts at a consistent pace. Like the first strategy we've covered above, this has significant ramifications for increasing your follower count. As long as people who visit your homepage can see the content you post at first glance. Think of your Instagram bio and the 9 most recent posts as your first impression of your Instagram presence. Is the content effectively conveying consistency to the user to the extent that it does through personalization, photo filters, colors, or layout?

 Grid layouts are an often underestimated approach to adding creativity and aesthetics to your feed while adding rhythm and consistency to your posting strategy. Grid layout is a publishing method that deserves the attention of merchants. In fact, many accounts that take this approach tend to be able to focus on converting visitors into followers, generating text graphics or other content at a faster rate, and simplifying the overall production of their Instagram content, making it easier to create spending less energy on it. 

3. Steal Competitor Followers

One of the best ways to gain Instagram followers is to find the Instagram accounts of your closest competitors and engage with their audiences. These people follow your competitors' accounts, which already shows that they have a certain level of interest in the products you carry.
So, how can you effectively steal your competitors’ followers? There are many ways to engage with Instagram users, and the more work you put in, the more followers you generate.
The three types of engagement are:
Follow users
Like their posts
Comment on their posts

Some merchants used their own business accounts to conduct informal tests to see how competitors' followers responded to their own marketing progress. A merchant targets the followers of a local competitor with whom they have strong competition.
First, the merchant followed the competitor's 100 followers as the first group. The merchant then follows another 100 followers as a second group. The business takes a moment to like the photos of the second group of 100 followers. Finally, the merchant followed another 100 followers and then liked and commented on the photos of the third set of 100 followers.

Here are the test results:
Follow: 12% followed back.
Follow + Like: 22% followed back
Follow+Like+Comment: 37% followed back

While there were many variables and the test was far from a science, the results were clear. The more time a merchant invests and the more interaction they have with followers, the more revenue they will get from it.


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